APIs and solutions for a greener tomorrow

A cloud based ecosystem that makes local energy coordination possible

Our approach

Step into the future where clean energy powers our cities and communities. Together, we strive towards a common objective of a robust power grid, accelerated adoption of renewable energy, and the ultimate aim of achieving net zero cities.
[Your company] 2.0
Supercharge your services

Utilise APIs that offer unparalleled value to your customers. Unlock the complete potential of your resources by empowering them to engage in the shift towards a sustainable energy ecosystem.

Smarter charging

Utilise week-term price forecasts to enable advanced EV charging and achieve price reductions for your customers

Smarter homes

Access price forecasts, schedule appliance activity, and enjoy price reduction features for a smarter home

Cost savings

Customers enjoy not just improved services but also decreased expenses

New revenue streams

Earn additional revenue by participating in the growing demand for flexible grid solutions

[Your company] 2.0
Neighbourhood energy coordination

Ensure low-voltage grid vitality with seamless efficiency. Neighbourhood energy coordination enables you to handle the surge in solar energy and electric vehicle adoption and unlocks the untapped potential for optimising energy distribution.

Grid-aware energy coordination

Reduce inefficiencies, manage risks and increase grid reliability through grid-aware energy coordination

Load shifting

Harmonise renewable production and peak consumption locally to optimise grid operations

Load shifting

Be a part of the solution to climate change by participating in the transition to a more sustainable, smarter energy system

Our technical docs

API documentationSwagger API DocsGitHub
Join dev community
We are quick to respond and happy to help!
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